Author: russ

Redbud Labs: Instrumentation

ReliaSolve is working with Redbud Labs to help them develop their NAxtract single-button microfluidic nucleic acid extraction instrument. ReliaSolve extended the LEWOS real-time microcontroller protocol developed at UNC to work on this UI microcontroller + control microcontroller system, wrapping it in Python to enable flexible logic flow coupled to real-time multithreaded C++ timing to enable […]

360-degree Telepresence

ReliaSolve developed a VR viewer for 360-degree video coming from live or recorded sources. This system can read from local storage or use a network connection to an Aqueti multicamera system using their video API. Implemented in OpenXR, the system can run on Windows or Linux-based VR displays using nVidia GPUs for video decoding. The […]

University Lab: Instrument Development

ReliaSolve worked with a university laboratory to help them complete the final stretch of their proof-of-concept deliverable for a contract, a combined digital and quantitative PCR device for measuring 8 samples at a time. This involved extending existing algorithms and working with project staff to integrate with their current code base. Ninety-one issues were resolved […]

OpenXR-OpenGL Example app

The hello_xr sample program from the OpenXR-SDK-Source repository includes frameworks and classes to handle building on multiple architectures (including Android) and on multiple rendering systems (OpenGL, GLES, Direct3D, Vulkan). This makes it really good for showing which parts of OpenXR are common and which are distinct across platforms. I wanted a sample application that was […]


ReliaSolve is working with the Dave and Jane Richardson laboratory as part of a supplemental NIH award to upgrade their MolProbity system. MolProbity’s protein model validation has a huge user base consisting of most of the structural biologists worldwide, is a part of most model-building and refinement software systems, and is central to model validation […]

Hourglass API example library

The Hourglass API repository contains the interface definition and example programs to implement an example “hourglass” interface. This type of interface has C++ at the lower layer, a thin C dynamic library interface in the middle through which all things pass, and another C++ interface at the upper layer. This approach enables both the library […]

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