Author: russ

Transformative Optics Corporation

ReliaSolve is working with Transformative Optics Corporation on their ShadowChrome image processing system and their RVEEL multi-camera systems (see LinkedIn article). For ShadowChrome, we’re helping to design the commercial API for the system and select build platforms and installation approaches. This includes the selection of appropriate hardware acceleration frameworks to provide real-time performance across GPU […]

Dual-Color Filter Array

Color camera sensors often operate by having a 2×2 pattern of filters placed in front of every block of monochrome pixels in the sensor (often duplicating green to get four colors). This is shown in the figure below, where each filter rejects all but a single frequency range of light. There is smooth fall-off between […]

iAlyze: Nystagmus Detection

ReliaSolve is working with iAlyze LLC on their nystagmus detection system to help alleviate the problem of driving while impaired. We helped port their Python+CUDA-based tool from an older Linux distribution to run on Windows 11, including wrapping with an installer and desktop shortcut and exporting analysis data. We’re also advising on image analysis and […]

Multi-Camera Video Stitching Solutions

Stitching together video from multiple overlapping cameras can provide both wide field of view and high resolution compared to a single camera viewing the same total region. During the development of multi-camera video systems for and for several clients and for internal ReliaSolve projects, the following solutions have proven useful. Synchronization When the camera system […]

Infrared Multi-Camera Pilotage System

ReliaSolve is a subcontractor to a University of Arizona project to develop a proof-of-concept multi-camera infrared system for use in night flight by helicopter pilots. The 21-camera system will provide an aligned and stitched view during flight with synchronized and aligned display on one or more monitors or head-mounted displays. ReliaSolve is implementing the data-transmission, […]

The Thing About Video

There are rules of thumb for data processing that apply across a wide range of data sources and analysis techniques. These let us ignore some costs and apply abstractions that simplify workflow and enable clean programming interfaces and orthogonal composition of software components. The thing about video is that it breaks the rules. Here are […]

Automatic Video Clipping

ReliaSolve worked with Aqueti to develop automatic alignment of multiple video files and pitch analytics data. The video files are uploaded from fixed IP cameras and tripod-mounted portable cameras with different frame rates and time offsets. The pitch analytics data includes release time and home-plate crossing time for each pitch. The resulting workflow runs on […]

3D Camera Calibration

ReliaSolve worked with Baseball Cloud and YakkerTech on the calibration approach for their next-generation 6-camera pitch-tracking system. ReliaSolve designed a complete workflow that incorporated their existing factory distortion correction and stereo alignment algorithms to meet their precision and time requirements as well as their requirement that the entire calibration kit fit within a 3’x2’x1.2′ carrying […]

Leaf Consumption Assay

ReliaSolve worked with Ramona Optics to develop a leaf consumption assay to automatically determine the fraction of each leaf plug that has been consumed by an organism. This ran on multiple images collected from a parallel microscope system observing 96-well plates. The algorithm deals with 18 imaging artifacts, including ignoring non-leaf material such as frass, […]

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